- Navigation system
- App
- Website
PGE National Stadium in Warsaw
The PGE National Stadium in Warsaw is the multi-purpose sports facility has the 4th (highest) category in the UEFA classification.
It was built in 2008–2011 on the site of the 10th Anniversary Stadium before the 2012 European Football Championship. The stands are located on two floors and provide 58 580 seats. To facilitate the service of visitors to the stadium, it was considered necessary to prepare a mobile application as well as a location and navigation system.

- PGE National Stadium
subject of delivery
- Mobile app for Android
- Mobile app for iOS
In order to carry out the entrusted task in a proper way, we conducted a number of analyzes and measurements. The very detailed 3D model of the stadium architecture has become the foundation of the location and navigation system. Then we deployed and configured a network of beacons enabling efficient movement around the facility. Information from the navigation system is available through the mobile application for iOS and Android. The key to the popularity of the application turned out to be well-thought-out and attractive functionalities, e.g.
- Detailed information on each event at the stadium
- A detailed map of the stadium's interiors along with the location and navigation function, allowing you to find your way to any place in the facility
- Full information about the facility with real-time communication and assistance during mass events
- Entertainment items: quizzes, gamification, cartoons, social media and more

Indoor navigation benefits both visitors and stadium operator
The mobile application connected with the location system significantly facilitates planning a visit to the stadium, stimulates the decision to purchase tickets and supports customer loyalty, among others. through:
- interactive stadium maps
- 3D model of PGE Narodowy, also in the AR version
- calendar of events broken down into selected categories;
- the ability to create a profile and join planned events to have full access to all valuable information;
- checking the view from any sector and choosing the most interesting places before buying tickets;
- the latest news from the life of PGE Narodowy
- attractive discount codes

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